Contact lens

Thanks to advances in optical technology, almost everyone can now wear contact lenses, regardless of the type or extent of their vision problems. That includes patients with astigmatism and those who need bifocal or multifocal lenses. At Valley Eye Professionals, we offer a comprehensive array of contact lenses to suit our patients' individual needs. Talk with us to find out which contact lenses are best for you.

SynergEyes Hybrid Lenses

The latest advancement in contact lenses, SynergEyes combines the best aspects of both rigid gas permeable and soft lenses. They feature the soft skirt of soft lenses for day-long comfort as well as a breathable rigid center that offers the visual clarity of a "hard" lens, providing crisp vision even at night. SynergEyes is available in a wide variety of options to correct for astigmatism, distance, reading or keratoconus. These hybrid lenses eliminate many of the problems caused by other types of lenses, so patients no longer have to settle for inconsistent vision or discomfort.

Daily-wear Soft Contacts

Daily-wear soft contact lenses are the most popular type of contacts worn. Made of a flexible plastic polymer, daily-wear lenses are put in each morning and taken out each night. They rest in a cleaning solution while you sleep. Daily-wear contacts come in many colors and typically last about one year.

Extended-wear Soft Contacts

Extended-wear soft contact lenses can be worn all the time, including while you sleep. Depending on whether you have 7-day (standard) or 30-day lenses, you only need to take out and clean your contacts once a week or once a month. Extended-wear lenses are made of soft silicone that retains moisture longer than daily-wear contacts, allows more oxygen to reach the eye and prevents bacteria and protein buildup.

Disposable Lenses

Disposable soft lenses are intended to be thrown out and replaced after you've worn them for a certain length of time. This makes them even easier to maintain than regular soft contacts. Many disposable lenses are designed for replacement each morning, every two weeks or even every three months. Daily-wear disposables are worn during waking hours only, while extended-wear disposables can be worn for longer periods.

Gas-permeable Lenses

Rigid, gas-permeable contacts can correct a wider range of vision problems, including a high degree of astigmatism; provide sharper vision than most soft lenses and allow more oxygen to pass through to the eye, reducing the risk of corneal irritation. Because they are much harder than flexible contacts, gas-permeable lenses may take some getting used to when you first start wearing them. They are also more likely than soft lenses to slip off the center of your eye and require adjustment, making them an inconvenient choice for patients who play sports or participate in other demanding activities.

Whichever type of contact lens best suits your personal needs, we can make ordering your lenses convenient and easy. We are happy to enable you to order your contact lenses online at

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